Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Evergreen Services located?
Our office is located in Stowe, VT.
Is Evergreen Services locally owned?
Yes. Evergreen Services is locally owned and owner-operated.
I have an emergency! What is your response time?
Our speedy fleet of service vehicles is always on the move! If you contact us with an emergency, we'll reroute them to your location within hours of your call. Rest easy knowing that your emergency is our top priority.
What is a septic system?
A septic system is actually a small sewage treatment and disposal system with two main components: a septic tank and a soil absorption area (also commonly called a “leach field” or "drain field"). Its purpose is to receive and store wastewater from a household or building. The tank is designed in a way that allows the solids to settle at the bottom while the liquid portion, known as effluent, flows out into the drain field.
What happens in a septic tank?
Once household waste makes its way into the tank, organic solids rise to the surface, while inorganic materials sink. Bacteria then decompose organics over time, and clear water flows into the surrounding soil.
Why should I have my home's septic tank serviced?
Septic sludge is composed of solids sitting at the bottom of your septic tank, such as food scraps and toilet paper. These solids are unable to be digested by the bacteria in your tank. The only way to remove sludge is by pumping it out and this periodic removal will prevent the tank from becoming overloaded and overflowing.
How often should my septic tank be serviced?
The experts at Evergreen Septic Services recommend that you have your residential septic tank pumped every three to five years. We’re happy to help with this by safely removing and hauling away the sludge and then disposing of it in a way that is kind to the environment.
What signs suggest my septic system is in trouble?
Telltale signs of trouble include:
Sluggish toilets
Gurgling toilets and drains
Septic odors
Pooling water on or around the leach field and pump station
Saturated ground on/around your system
What causes my septic system to fail?
There are quite a few possibilities to consider.
Improper installation or placement of the system
Overloading the system (e.g.: when it's used beyond the intended capacity)
Excessive water use (e.g.: a constantly leaking toilet)
Inorganic materials (e.g.: feminine hygiene products or cigarette butts)
Kitchen grease down your drains
Be mindful of these factors to ensure your septic system keeps functioning smoothly, and if you suspect an issue, we are here to help.
What kinds of maintenance keep my system working properly?
5 Essential Tips
Pump It Up: Keep your septic system in top shape by regularly removing sludge buildup. Tank size, usage, and overall system health determine the frequency.
Bye-bye, Chemicals: Don't sabotage the bacteria that break down solids! Banish bleach, ammonia, detergents, and other culprits from your tank. Say no to solvents like paint thinner!
Ditch the Garbage Disposal: Avoid overloading your system with excessive solids. Give your septic tank a break from this kitchen waste.
Grass is the Way: For a happy drain field, plant only grass. Trees, shrubs, and structures are a no-go. Let your lawn thrive and your system will too.
Stormwater SOS: Keep excess water away from your drain field. Too much saturation can spell trouble. Divert stormwater like a pro and protect your system underground.